Sandy Dome Quarter Horses & Paints
Jody & Jewel Volts
RR#1, S-11, C-10
Vanderhoof, BC V0J 3A0
Some one once told us "Live your dreams and your dreams will come true", that is what we've done when we purchased our first stallion in 1989.
Since then it has been our goal to provide and promote the Paint and Quarter Horse breed to the best of our ability. By doing this, we have the bloodlines of quality horses that will help your dreams come true.
Whatever your equine sport may be, we have those hard to do combinations of beauty, brains and heart.
Congratulations to 1998 Winners:
**A Tiny Fortune
Weanling Filly Futurity Winner
BCQHA High Point Halter
**Building R Future
Yearling Colt Futurity Winner
First 5 times out - 5 Grand Champions
Thank you to all who make 1998 a successful year.
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Last updated May 29, 1999
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since May 29, 1999
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